Herringbone Flooring

Herringbone Flooring

Herringbone Flooring is the most popular form of parquetry in use today. Unlike a chevron pattern, where the short ends are cut at an angle, the pattern is produced using a simple rectangular block. Traditionally, the herringbone flooring pattern was created using blocks that were made from solid wood and were relatively small, but modern methods now allow us to offer a stunning range of shades, finishes and sizes right up to 600mm long, providing a really contemporary take on what is a very traditional patterned floor.

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Products (11)

Amazon Prime 120mm Herringbone


Amazon Prime 120mm Herringbone

Venture Plank

Herringbone | Prime

600mm x 120mm x 13mm

Camberwell Character 120mm Herringbone


Camberwell Character 120mm Herringbone

Venture Plank

Herringbone | Character

600mm x 120mm x 13mm

Cloud Character 70mm Herringbone


Cloud Character 70mm Herringbone

H Collection

Herringbone | Character

280mm x 70mm x 14mm

Cottage Character 70mm Herringbone


Cottage Character 70mm Herringbone

H Collection

Herringbone | Character

280mm x 70mm x 14mm

Holme Classic 130mm Herringbone


Holme Classic 130mm Herringbone


Herringbone | Classic

725mm x 130mm x 14mm

Hunter 14mm Rustic Herringbone


Hunter 14mm Rustic Herringbone

H Collection

Herringbone | Rustic

600mm x 120mm x 14mm

Mentone Character 13mm Herringbone


Mentone Character 13mm Herringbone

Venture Plank

Herringbone | Character

600mm x 120mm x 13mm

Mertzon Character 120mm Herringbone


Mertzon Character 120mm Herringbone

Venture Plank

Herringbone | Character

600mm x 120mm x 13mm

Mierlo Rustic 125mm Herringbone


Mierlo Rustic 125mm Herringbone


Herringbone | Rustic

600mm x 125mm x 14mm

Plano Character 120mm Herringbone


Plano Character 120mm Herringbone

Venture Plank

Herringbone | Character

600mm x 120mm x 13mm

Prosseco Prime 70mm Herringbone Block


Prosseco Prime 70mm Herringbone Block

The Italian Collection

Herringbone | Prime

490mm x 70mm x 11mm