The race is on
13 Dec 2021
We are extremely excited to report that The Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge 2021 started from La Gomera in the Canaries yesterday, Sunday 12th December! The team we are supporting, In Deep Ship, will be rowing unaided for 20 hours a day facing some extreme weather, sleep deprivation and isolation. The journey is estimated to take around 40-50 days.
The race can be tracked via a satellite tracking app called YB races, and you will need to search for the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge 2021. The In Deep Ship team is visible on the app amongst all the other contestants, and their boat name is Crusader.
Currently the team is hoping for fair winds but already know they may be turning against them in about five days’ time making the conditions tough. Wishing everyone in the race the best of luck!
For more information on the In Deep Ship team go to their website:
Instagram: @indeepship2021
Charities fundraising link:
Recent interview with BBC Wales: