Havwoods launches its Q4 Woodbook
2 Oct 2019
The brand new edition of our WoodBook for October to December 2019, featuring an exciting selection of new products including additions to our Venture Plank Collection, new wallcovering with charred finishes and 12 new exclusive shades added to the Italian Collection, along with our inspirational case studies and latest news.
Havwoods are delighted to present the final edition of our Woodbook for 2019, featuring not only our highly anticipated new products but also detailing our exciting new developments as we head towards 2020. In this edition, we cover New York's biggest architecture and design month, Archtober, outlining our plans and whereabouts for it.
At Havwoods, we are always looking at new ways of educating our clients and ensuring you stay up to date with the latest product trends. Pages 10 -11 in the Woodbook highlight our continuing education presentations covering a range of subjects including sustainability, wellbeing and technology. Pages 12- 13 cover our digital developments, taking a look at our new 2.0 website and floor visualizer tool, which allows you to see our floors, in your rooms using Virtual Reality technology.
Our passion always has and always will be to help you find the perfect wood flooring for your project, and inside this issue, you will find all the latest products including new made-to-order shades added to our Italian Collection like Cioccolato, Monaco and Primo.
We hope you enjoy browsing through the Woodbook and would like to thank you for your valued custom throughout the Spring and Summer of 2019.
To request a printed or PDF copy of our PRICED Trade Wood Book please simply complete the form below: